

The property has been a place of healing & transformation for the last 30 years.

We are a three-acre property, completely off-grid with a new solar system and water catchment, providing power and water.

There are over 20 fruits on the land that flourish their abundance at various times of the year. Our coconuts are exceptional, avocados delectable, and night jasmine sensually aromatic.


When you live off-grid, you have to shift your thinking in relation to harmony with the environment. Using power during times of sun, charging devices during the daytime/unplugging at night, and laundry in the morning so the sun can dry the clothes in the day. Normally, we have a fairly balanced amount of sun and rain, often with nightly rains and warm sunny days.

We have coqui frogs and harmless spiders that spin artistic webs; there are mongoose and a wide assortment of plants and trees. We have five amazing cats: Wasi, Maestro (Boy Cat) and his sister Girl Cat, Mooney, and Spice.

Nearby we have tide pools on the ocean, a brand new black sand beach that was created in 2018, when the lava flowed a mile away. There are sacred waterfalls, botanical gardens, snorkeling, turtles, and more within a reasonable distance. We also arrange whale and dolphin boat excursions on the other side of the island. The nearest international airport is Hilo (ITO), a 40-minute drive from our sanctuary in the jungle.

We love to share our space with people who can value and appreciate the sacredness, the beauty and the healing that occurs here.

Coco Wasi – The Story

Gray and Victoria

From 2006 to 2010 Victoria Bliss owned a retreat center in sunny Kapoho on the eastern part of Hawaii’s Big Island, called Coco’s (the Center of Conscious Oneness). It had been a community gathering place for 20 years prior to Victoria’s ownership, and her coming to own it is a story unto itself. During that time a gentleman named John Kimmey came to help manage and live at Coco’s. He was a caucasian man that lived for years with a Hopi elder that entrusted him to carry the Hopi Prophecy.
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