Rewilding Grief Retreat

January 25- February 1, 2024

How we grieve in our culture is broken. The language we use, the time limits, and belief systems that are imposed. The thought that we can return to normal when our world will never return to that particular normal again and we are taught to not honor how we are actually feeling.

If we don’t give language to our grief and to really feel it, our pain slips into the shadows where it becomes uncomfortable and something to fear, and then often arises as symptoms of something else, such as anxiety, depression, lack of sleep, apathy, or illness. Our bodies are always keeping the score. Losing someone is often traumatic. And that trauma unattended gets worse not better. Corking our grief, trauma and emotions is a dangerous game.

Rewilding grief is a path back to living our birthright. It is connection with ourselves and the world around us. It is untangling how we have been taught to grieve and instead define and choose what is right for you. Defining how you grieve and how you honor your loved one is empowering.

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Join us for this healing retreat where we will be using several tools such as hypnosis, yoga, somatic healing, tools to calm your nervous system. There will be pre-intention gathering before the retreat and post-retreat integration gathering. This retreat is for anyone who has experienced loss but the retreat is geared towards parents who have experienced loss.

For more information and payment options, write Nell at

As a resiliency coach, hypnotherapist, author, and speaker, Nell Rose Foreman helps her clients find peace and calm to thrive in difficult situations. Inspired by a Spiritually Transformative Event (STE) she had in 2009 she empowers her clients to see a new perspective and challenge beliefs.


Nell Rose Foreman lost her beautiful 23-year-old son Jack to a horrific 9 month battle with Glioblastoma, an insidious brain cancer that began just after he graduated from college. Shortly after his transition, she started getting signs from Jack. One of his signs, a picture of his light being, was taken at the beach this summer and was recently published in both the IANDS and Helping Parents Heal newsletter.
Nell Rose believes your mind is your greatest tool for success. Using a unique blend of brain science, psychology, and ancient wisdom she helps her clients transform from the inside out.